New Camera
Rosalee was a little suspicious of the hefty package I carried in, but seems OK with the new camera. She will be looking at it a lot as I learn to operate it. Second hand, bought online privately, came in the mail a week after ordering. Rosalee gave it a good sniffing out, and then let me point it at her.
Eventually I hope I get to take some nice sharp photos with this camera. In the meantime… I haven’t had much time to try it out. Too cumbersome to stick in my pocket like a cellphone. I feel very invasive pointing its huge telephoto lens at anything. And the cold air makes my hands numb so I am fumbly with the little dials and buttons.
I have read several articles about this camera. Some goo-ishly positive, some sharply critical, and some, fortunately, informative and seemingly unbiased. Just looking at the manual was intimidating , I found a cheap ebook on Kindle that was much easier to understand.
I took it away to a quiet place where I didn’t feel self-conscious and clicked away. I like the feel of it and think I can get to understand it enough to work for me. I am not very demanding. I hope to take some nice close ups of birds, cats, and perhaps the moon even.