Back at this domain with wounds. I tried something new, was doing alright, but accidentally (or carelessly, or ignorantly and impatiently or all of the above), lost my content. Fortunately some of it was still here in the trash of this website. Not the newer stuff– that is gone beyond me. But the old stuff I can build upon.
St. John of the Cross is still my spiritual reading choice. His ideas have got so beyond me that I have difficultly finding a daily quote that is short enough to remember and relate to during the next day. I am well into The Spiritual Canticle, yes, but I now find reading takes effort.
Last night I caught a quote St. John took from the Gospel of St. John:
“Leap up into life everlasting”
(John Book 4, verse 14). The quote certainly leapt up to me. I feel trust, hope, faith, and optimism. Things I can never have enough of.
At the Zoom morning prayer service today, the leader tried a style of Lectio Divina. I cringed, tightly clasped my hands and fought against shutting the sound off. The reading and reflections were short and sincere though. I was not up to contributing, but appreciated the contributions of others. Hours later I find I feel much calmer than I did before the Zoom service. Thank you all.