And on…

Slowly plodding along with ” The Dark Night of the Soul”.  Sometime this winter I discovered Chester Cathedral. Perhaps I mentioned that earlier somewhere in a post. If not… let me say that the Chester Cathedral evensong videos propelled me to cheerfulness and confidence.

Winter can be hard to bear. The cold, the dark, the piles of snow and the slippery ice… We all have our crutches to “get us through”. Mine became Chester Cathedral evensong. Online. I watch and listen while I am making dinner so I miss bits. There is a choir. Outstanding music. Amazing music director. Pipe organ. Beautiful setting. The clergy seem to sincerely love being there and are excellent, compelling readers. Another amazing site is Canterbury Cathedral.

I do “attend” the Zoom morning prayer of the nearest Anglican Church (about a 40 minute drive from home). Not quite the same but less “virtual”. The Zoom provides  interaction,  and I know a few of the people a bit. In person services there may start up again there if Covid restrictions relax.

February trees waiting for warmer days