Domain junky. That’s what I am. Whenever my provider had a domain sale I jumped in. Now I have a clutter of domains which no one looks at, and I play around at in rotation. I don’t just dump them all outright. I force myself to make use of them, because I spent the money on them, and intend to make myself remember, until they expire, the folly of over spending and over collecting.
Confession done. One thing I did recall from my early days of tech courses, in the creation of sub domains. I was a bit rusty at the procedure, but finally here I have created a healthy (I hope) sub domain. that is not costing me any more to renew, though I believe I had to get a SSL certificate for it. Not enough time to check it out this morning.
Addendum to confession. As well a the cluster of domains, I have acquired, over the years of plenty (which have been replaced now by years of not quite enough), no less than 3 life subscriptions to theme creators.
And yet here I am using a free wordpress theme (Promos by TemplateSales). And I am daring to look at the options of “upgrading”. Fortunately Template is not very clear on ezactly what “upgrading” supplies so I can easily resist the invite that keeps popping up on my Purr wordpress dashboard.
To sum my lengthy post, I have been using each of my domains to try out different subscription plans. Purr, though, is still using Promos because it is simple and easy to use, and doesn’t look all that bad.